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Managing Sensors

Soveren Sensors are available in two variants:

  1. Data-in-motion (DIM) sensor: Discovers services in your Kubernetes clusters and identifies sensitive data in data flows between them.

  2. Data-at-rest (DAR) sensor: Monitors data sources such as S3 buckets, databases, and Kafka clusters, and uncovers sensitive data stored within.


First you need to decide which type of Sensor do you need: a Data-in-motion (DIM) or Data-at-rest (DAR).

You can create DIM Sensors via the sensors page in the Soveren app.

Data-in-motion (DIM) Sensors

You need to create separate Data-in-motion (DIM) Sensors for each Kubernetes cluster you want to monitor.

Each Sensor is characterized by its name and token. You can also specify the region where your cluster is situated.

If you have multiple clusters, and thus multiple Sensors, Soveren will display them separately on the data map. The Sensor's name will define the name of the cluster on the data map.

You can create DAR Sensors via the sensors page in the Soveren app.

Data-at-rest (DAR) Sensors

To monitor your data sources, such as S3 buckets, databases, and Kafka clusters, you will need at least one Data-at-rest (DAR) Sensor. While not mandatory, we recommend deploying separate sensors for different types of data sources to optimize monitoring efficiency.

Each Sensor is characterized by its name and token.


For DIM sensors, the names influence how different Kubernetes clusters are displayed on the data map. For DAR sensors, the naming is primarily for management purposes and serves as an informative label.

You can automate the naming of your Soveren Sensors in your configuration files.


The token allows the Soveren app to identify the Sensor during communication.

We recommend adding the token to your own configuration file, such as values.yaml, to simplify operational procedures.

Use unique tokens for different deployments

If you're managing multiple Soveren deployments, please create unique tokens for each one. Using the same token across different deployments can result in data being mixed and lead to interpretation errors that are difficult to track.


We utilize Helm for deployment. The installation procedure is as follows:

kubectl create namespace soverenio
helm repo add soveren
helm install -n soverenio soveren-agent soveren/soveren-agent --set digger.token="<TOKEN>"
kubectl create namespace soverenio-dar-sensor
helm repo add soveren
helm install -n soverenio-dar-sensor soverenio-dar-sensor soveren/soverenio-dar-sensor --set crawler.token="<TOKEN>"

We recommend that instead of adding <TOKEN> to the command line, you incorporate the token into your own configuration file, such as values.yaml. Then, use the following commands instead of the ones above:

kubectl create namespace soverenio
helm repo add soveren
helm install -n soverenio soveren-agent soveren/soveren-agent -f path_to/values.yaml
kubectl create namespace soverenio-dar-sensor
helm repo add soveren
helm install -n soverenio-dar-sensor soverenio-dar-sensor soveren/soverenio-dar-sensor -f path_to/values.yaml


Updating the Sensor to the latest version is straightforward:

helm repo update soveren
helm upgrade soveren-agent soveren/soveren-agent -n soverenio -f path_to/values.yaml
helm repo update soveren
helm upgrade soverenio-dar-sensor soveren/soverenio-dar-sensor -n soverenio-dar-sensor -f path_to/values.yaml

You can check the latest version information in our Helm chart.

Scale down or remove

To completely uninstall the Sensor, use the following command:

helm -n soverenio uninstall soveren-agent
helm -n soverenio-dar-sensor uninstall soverenio-dar-sensor

If you wish to address performance issues with any individual component, you can temporarily scale it down using the following command:

kubectl -n soverenio scale deployment.apps/<DEPLOYMENT_NAME> --replicas=0
kubectl -n soverenio-dar-sensor scale deployment.apps/<DEPLOYMENT_NAME> --replicas=0

<DEPLOYMENT_NAME> depends on the release name that you've used and should contain one of the following:

  • kafka

  • digger

  • crawler

  • detectionTool

  • prometheusAgent

To scale it back up, use:

kubectl -n soverenio scale deployment.apps/<DEPLOYMENT_NAME> --replicas=1
kubectl -n soverenio-dar-sensor scale deployment.apps/<DEPLOYMENT_NAME> --replicas=1

Scaling down interceptors does not offer any practical benefits. It is more effective to completely remove the Sensor and then bring it back up using the standard update or deploy command.