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Managing Sensors

Creating Sensors

For each Kubernetes cluster you want Soveren to monitor, you'll require a Soveren Sensor.

You can create, modify, and delete Sensors via the sensors page in the Soveren app.


Each Sensor is characterized by its name and token.


If you have multiple clusters, and thus multiple Sensors, Soveren will display them separately on the data map. The Sensor's name will define the name of the cluster on the data map.

You can also automate the naming of your clusters in Soveren by setting the names of the clusters in your configuration files.


The token allows the Soveren app to identify the Sensor during communication.

We recommend adding the token to your own configuration file, such as values.yaml, to simplify operational procedures.

Use unique Sensors and tokens for different clusters

If you're managing multiple clusters, please create unique Sensors for each one, with distinct tokens. Using the same token for different clusters will result in them appearing as a single deployment perimeter on the data map, making it challenging to discern which flow belongs to which cluster.

Verifying image signatures

Ensure the authenticity and integrity of downloaded images by validating their digital signatures.

We use Cosign for image signing. Below is the public key you should employ when verifying the signatures:

-----END PUBLIC KEY-----

Deploying Sensors

We utilize Helm for deployment. The installation procedure is as follows:

kubectl create namespace soverenio
helm repo add soveren
helm install -n soverenio soveren-agent soveren/soveren-agent --set digger.token="<TOKEN>"

We recommend that instead of adding <TOKEN> to the command line, you incorporate the token into your own configuration file, such as values.yaml. Then, use the following commands instead of the ones above:

kubectl create namespace soverenio
helm repo add soveren
helm install -n soverenio soveren-agent soveren/soveren-agent -f path_to/values.yaml

Updating Sensors

Updating the Sensor to the latest version is straightforward:

helm repo update soveren
helm upgrade soveren-agent soveren/soveren-agent -n soverenio -f path_to/values.yaml

You can check the latest version information in the current chart.

Scaling down or removing Sensors

To completely uninstall the Sensor, use the following command:

helm -n soverenio uninstall soveren-agent

If you wish to address performance issues with any individual component, you can temporarily scale it down using the following command:

kubectl -n soverenio scale deployment.apps/<DEPLOYMENT_NAME> --replicas=0

<DEPLOYMENT_NAME> can be one of the following:

  • soveren-agent-kafka

  • soveren-agent-digger

  • soveren-agent-detectionTool

  • soveren-agent-prometheusAgent

To scale it back up, use:

kubectl -n soverenio scale deployment.apps/<DEPLOYMENT_NAME> --replicas=1

Scaling down interceptors does not offer any practical benefits. It is more effective to completely remove the Sensor and then bring it back up using the standard update or deploy command.